Saint Paul Episcopal Church
340 Locust Street Columbia, PA 17512
Worship Times:
Saturday – 5pm
Sunday – 9am
What to Expect: The Episcopal tradition of worship most closely mirrors what you might see in a Catholic Mass. The service is divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Table. During the Liturgy of the Word, we have a reading from the Old Testament, a psalm, a reading from the New Testament (often from one of the epistles), and a reading from the gospels. After the gospel reading, there is a sermon, most often given by the Priest-in-Charge. Then, the congregation is invited to recite the Nicene Creed. We then have prayers, a confession of sin, and the pronouncement of absolution. The passing of the peace then follows. During “the peace,” we greet each other in the name of Christ – often, this takes the form of a hearty handshake, or hug, and a wish of “peace” for the other person. The second part of the service is commonly referred to as “communion.” It is at this time that people are invited around the altar rail to receive communion (bread and wine). All baptized people are welcome to receive communion. After Communion, the priest will offer a blessing over the congregation. Hymn singing and organ music accompany this service. A typical service lasts about one hour.